artifact soak released: 0.6.0 is the last version before 1.0
This is the last big push to artifact before 1.0. Artifact is a design doc tool made for developers. It allows anyone to easily write and link their design docs both to each other and to source code, making it easy to track how complete their project is. Documents are revision
controllable, can be rendered as a static web page and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, formatting and displaying them.
This release comes with several major improvements, (and breaking changes) most importantly an `art export html` command which allows you to [render your artifacts]( as a static, searchable site. The way in which this was accomplished (through elm) will be covered in a separate blog post -- but it's inclusion in the artifact commands make it a full featured product for open source developers looking to create design docs and use them to make their project self documenting.
The workflow is relatively simple:
- run the tutorial with `art tutotorial` or [read Simple Quality](, the book I have written
- run `art init` to initialize a repository
- edit your design docs in `design/`
- once you want to publish your docs, [publish them on github!](
The same kind of benefits that inline developer documentation can have (i.e. Doxygen, Sphinx, rustdocs, godocs) is now accessible for your design documents. The fundamental goal of artifact is complete!
Artifact is currently released as version 0.6 with the intention to let it
soak for a month and then (finally) release version 1.0. If you have been
thiking of using artifact for your project but the beta status scared you
away -- now is the time to do it. There are tons of resources including
the wiki and the book to get your started, and the tool is expected to
be extremely stable from this point forward.
Over the next month I will mostly be improving the documentation and making an introductory video.
- `art export html` command to [publish your design docs on github](
- the Web UI has been signiicantly improved
- a search bar has been added to the List View with support for searching in name, parts, partof and text
- the List View has been overhaulded to be more intuitive, with the ability to show/hide columns
- the Edit View can now render both markdown and raw text
- simplifying `settings.toml` considerably
- removing the ability to set settings outside of `.art/settings.toml` (breaking change)
- removing the `[settings]` key in `settings.toml` (breaking change)
- removing support for "multiple projects" -- only one `.art/settings.toml` project can be loaded, additional settings files are NOT supported. This may change in the future. Multiple projects is (kind of) supported by just adding all design docs/code to the root `settings.toml`
- `art ls` now has a `--type TYPE` flag which currently only supports `TYPE==json` and allows you to pipe artifacts in a machine-readable format over stdout (to a file or another program)
- `v0.5` renamed the tool to artifact (from rst)