
Latest version: v0.5.1

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New Features

- Add more tests to increase coverage and perform some basic clean-up of the
tests. Optimize tests using flux-points analysis step and reading catalog data.
[`122 <>`_]

- Add tests to cover some of the Gammapy tutorial examples, like the MWL joint
fitting of different datasets, including reading from a ``FluxPointsDataset``
object. and fix the relevant code accordingly in the various modules.

Have a generalized ``ModelComponent`` to include ``SkyModel`` and ``FoVBackgroundModel``
for reading Gammapy Models objects.

Have a test for checking model preference script, instead of filling the
jupyter notebook. [`121 <>`_]

- Add tests to various modules and extend support for CI test runs by
increasing swapfile size of the system. Also allow conftest to check for
existing ``gammapy-data`` in the system before running any tests with data.

Update notebooks after running with the test data, the overall documentation
about the tests and pytest options in pyproject.toml file.

Fully resolves Issue [`55 <>`_].
[`120 <>`_]


- Perform general cleanup and fix minor pending issues.
[`124 <>`_]

- Add Code of Conduct to the package and Codecov support in CI.
[`113 <>`_]

API Changes

- Restructure tests to reduce overall test time.
[`123 <>`_]

- Restructure ``io`` by replacing current sub-module with ``input_dl3`` and
``io_dl4`` modules, containing functions related with DL3 and DL4 files.

Adds public test data, as an addition to the existing Gammapy test data, by
having a zip compressed file, containing ``Fermi-LAT`` data generated with
``fermipy`` for Crab Nebula observations. The CI checks for the presence of
downloaded ``gammapy-data`` and it being saved in the environ path variable
of the system, and only then unzips the additional data, in the same location,
in a folder named ``fermipy-crab``.

Using these updated test data, starts building simple pytests by using test
template config files in ``tests`` module. The additional support of DL4 data
input, will help in replicating some tests done in Gammapy, to check the
additional support by Asgardpy.

See Issue [`55 <>`_] for more
details, as this PR, resolves yet another aspect of the Issue.
[`114 <>`_]



API Changes

- Restructure statistics functions to be part of a separate ``stats`` module.
Collect relevant information for estimating the goodness of fit stats, in the
``instrument_spectral_info`` dict variable, to be used only when the ``fit``
analysis step is completed. Update computation of fit statistics using
internal Gammapy functions to get appropriate results.
[`103 <>`_]

- Restructure pipeline to prepare to use public test data for resolving Issue
[`55 <>`_].

Have a distinct module ``gammapy`` containing all functions for
interoperatibility of other data formats with Gammapy format, for example,
the XML model definition used by Fermi-LAT. Generalize this usage for any
other model definition for future additional support. Update docstring with
Fermi-LAT model functions NOT supported by this function for future tracking.

Added function to read from a Gammapy ``AnalysisConfig`` file, into an
``AsgardpyConfig`` file for increased support.

Add support for reading ``FoVBackgroundModel`` from config file.

Move model template files into a separate folder.
[`110 <>`_]

Bug Fixes

- Improve logging as per the Issue [`39 <>`_]

From recommendations of pylint code style, update pending docstrings of
various functions and modules, fix logging strings. Also include flake8 and
codespell settings in setup.cfg file and include codespell check in CI.
[`102 <>`_]

- Fix estimation of Goodness of Fit statistics by removing the extra function
on evaluating Test Statistic for Null Hypothesis and combining it into a new
common function ``get_ts_target``, to get the required TS values of both Null
and Alternate Hypotheses, only for the region (binned coordinates) of the
target source.

Separate the counting of the total degrees of freedom, into total number
of reco energy bins used and the number of free model parameters.
[`106 <>`_]

- Resolve the issue of circular imports by restructuring analysis module to
have separate scripts with ``AnalysisStepBase`` and ``AnalysisStep`` classes.

Moved ``SkyPositionConfig`` to ``asgardpy.base.geom`` module and using imports
from specific sub-modules when required.
[`107 <>`_]

- Fix reading of ``models_file`` with the correct process.
[`112 <>`_]


- Add codespell to dev-requirements.
[`104 <>`_]

- Compress and update sphinx docs, by having documentation pages based on
distinct modules.
[`105 <>`_]

- Update python dependency to 3.11, added OpenSSF Best Practices badge in README
and a dedicated Issue Tracker link in documentation.
[`109 <>`_]



API Changes

- Restructure pipeline to regroup common functions, for base geometry and data
reduction for GADF-based DL3 files for 1D and 3D dataset. Use ``DatasetsMaker``
for supporting parallel processing of DL4 dataset generation.
See Issue [`85 <>`_]

Update support for Ring and FoV Background Makers, and have a separate common
function for creating exclusion masks for datasets.

Keep GADF-based DL3 input as default priority for generating 3D datasets.

Have a simple test for importing main Asgardpy classes, and a simple script
to run all Analysis steps of a given AsgardpyConfig file.

Update basic docstrings of various functions and classes.
[`94 <>`_]

- Restructure pipeline for better handling of model association, by adding
support to use catalog data for getting the list of source models and for
creating exclusion regions in the Field of View, using ``FoVBackgroundModel``,
renaming the variable, ``extended`` in ``target`` config section to
``add_fov_bkg_model``, moving the application of exclusion mask onto the list
of models to the ``set_models`` function and update these into the
documentation page. Completing the remaining task in the
Issue [`85 <>`_]

Group the processing of Analysis Steps into DL3 to DL4 and DL4 to DL5 stages.
[`98 <>`_]

- Add a single function to get the chi2 and p-value of a given test statistic
and degrees of freedom and generalize other stat functions, to use more specific
variables. [`101 <>`_]

Bug Fixes

- Update documentation with new workflow image and the notebooks.
[`97 <>`_]

- General clean-up and addition of docstrings to various Configs.
[`99 <>`_]

- Fix the Changelog to be more descriptive.
[`100 <>`_]


- Update documentation with citation link using Zenodo DOI and add the badge in
README. [`95 <>`_]



New Features

- Add script to get most preferred spectral model fit based on the existing
Also add extra supporting functions to get any model template config files,
have a check on statistically preferred models based on likelihood ratio test
and Akaike Information Criterion and updating the notebook accordingly.
[`87 <>`_]

API Changes

- Combine the various Sky Position configs into a single ``SkyPositionConfig``,
with the information of the coordinate frame, longitude, latitude and
angular radius, where for defining point source, the angular radius has a
default value of 0 degree. [`88 <>`_]

Bug Fixes

- Update documentation by replacing the model parameter renaming table and the
extended support added in previous PR. [`89 <>`_]

- Update with usage of common multiprocessing with Gammapy for generating DL4
datasets and Flux Points Estimation. [`90 <>`_]


- Constrain pydantic and autodoc-pydantic versions until corresponding updates
are made in Gammapy. [`92 <>`_]



Bug Fixes

- Fix sphinx documentation build issue by updating the readthedocs config file
with build information. [`78 <>`_]

- Try to fix sphinx documentation build issue by removing the deprecated
``python.version`` information. [`79 <>`_]

- Update Sphinx documentation for all modules, use ``autodoc_pydantic``, divide
the documentation of ```` into 2 separate pages and fix
missing functions in the documentation.

Update the template config file and have a copy for documentation.

Remove redundant Analysis steps from the list.
[`81 <>`_]


- Extend support to Gammapy v1.1 by adding parallel processing support and
update general dependency requirement conditions.
[`84 <>`_]



New Features

- Add the custom spectral models to the Gammapy registry while using Asgardpy.
[`77 <>`_]

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