- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Upgraded minimum Autobahn version to v17.5.1
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Changed the default value of the ``path`` option on ``WAMPClient`` to
``/ws`` to match the default Crossbar configuration
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Changed subscriptions to use the ``details`` keyword argument to accept
subscription details (since ``details_arg`` is now deprecated in Autobahn)
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Replaced ``SessionJoinEvent.session_id`` with the ``details`` attribute
which directly exposes all session details provided by Autobahn
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Changed the way registration/subscription/call/publish options are
passed. Keyword arguments were replaced with a single ``options`` keyword-only argument.
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Registry-based subscriptions and exception mappings now inherit the
parent prefixes, just like procedures did previously
- Added compatibility with Asphalt 4.0
- Added the ``WAMPClient.details`` property which returns the session details when joined to one
- Fixed error during ``WAMPClient.close()`` if a connection attempt was in progress
- Fixed minor documentation errors