:Date 6-Nov-2021
We aim to track and report as many changes as possible, but this is not an exhaustive list of all the changes.
* New Features:
* All image output supoprts iframe, jpg, png, svg and pdf.
* ImageReduction is initialised to configure the logger only.
* ImageReduction frame location can be added with add_filelist(), and then added by executing load_data().
* ImageReduction frames (in type of CCDData or ndarray) can be added with add_light(), add_arc(), add_flat(), add_dark(), add_bias()
* ImageReduction properties seeting can now be set with set_properties(), set_light_properties(), set_dark_properties(), set_flat_properties(), set_bias_properties(), set_arc_properties(), set_cosmic_properties(), set_detector_properties()
* Bad mask can be added or created.
* arc frame added to `ImageReduction()` will propagate to `TwoDSpec()`.
* `readnoise`, `gain`, `seeing`, `exptime`, and `airmass` can be provided after initialisation.
* Residual image is generated along with the spectral extraction.
* Use `lowess()` fit for ap_extract profile allowing optimal extraction of extended source.
* Added 'TwoDSpec.inspect_residual()
* Added `OneDSpec.remove_atlas_lines_range()` and `wavelength_calibration.remove_atlas_lines_range()`.
* Added the parameter `top_n_peaks` to `OneDSpec.find_arc_lines()` and `wavelength_calibration.find_arc_lines()`.
* Sensitivity curve is computed after applying a `lowess()` fit for continuum subtraction to remove random noise.
* New Experimental Features:
* Added `TwoDSpec.get_rectification()` and `TwoDSpec.apply_rectification()` to correct the curvature of the frames.
* Added `OneDSpec.set_atmospheric_extinction()` to choose or provide an atmospheric reddening law.
* Added `OneDSpec.apply_atmospheric_extinction_correction()` to remove atmospheric reddening.
* Added `OneDSpec.get_telluric_profile()` to compute Telluric absorption profile.
* Added `OneDSpec.inspect_telluric_profile()` to display the Telluric absorption profile and how the correction would look like.
* Added `OneDSpec.apply_telluric_correction()` to apply the Telluric absorptions and modify the state of the flux.
* Dropped Features (see also API changes below):
* `SAXIS_KEYWORD` is no longer in use.
* Major bug fixes:
* Loggers are propagated between objects upon initialisations.
* Sky modelling is sigma-clipping outliers and bad values.
* ap_trace() is masking out the faint parts of the spectrum when fitting a polynomial to the trace.
* Jansky conversion was wrong when using the ING standards
* (API) changes:
* All loggers are now displaying `INFO` level of logs and by default it is print to screen only.
* ImageReduction.add_filelist() no longer accepts properties.
* ImageReduction properties has to be added with set_properties().
* In ImageReduction, individual properties can be added one by one without affecting other existing properties.
* Arc frame has to be MANUALLY flipped or transposed if it is being added AFTER `TwoDSpec.set_properties()`. If arc frame will be flipped and transposed AUTOMATICALLY if it is added BEFORE `TwoDSpec.set_properties()`.
* `TwoDSpec.apply_twodspec_mask_to_arc()` is changed to TwoDSpec.apply_mask_to_arc().
* `TwoDSpec.ap_extract()` is now sigma clipping outliers when modelling the sky.
* `TwoDSpec.ap_trace()` argument ap_faint is now defined by the percentage of the faintest subspectra.
* `wavelength_calibration.load_user_atlas()` is changed to `wavelength_calibration.add_user_atlas()`.
* `OneDSpec.refine_fit()` and `wavelength_calibration.refine_fit()` are changed to `robust_refit()`.
* `OneDSpec.load_user_atlas()` is changed to `OneDSpec.add_user_atlas()`.
* `OneDSpec.find_arc_lines()` and `wavelength_calibration.find_arc_lines()` are using the percentage of the (maximum - minimum count) in the arc spectrum (before continuum subtraction) for the `prominence`, whereas `percentile` is the count level threshold AFTER the arc_spec is subtracted by the minimum value of the arc spectrum.
* `OneDSpec.compute_sensitivity()` is changed to `OneDSpec.get_sensitivity()`.
* `TwoDSpec.set_properties()` is defaulted to NOT set `airmass`, `gain`, `readnoise`, `seeing`, and `exptime`.
* `save_iframe()` in various functions is no longer in use, it is merged into `save_fig()`.
* `display` argument is merged into the `renderer` argument.
* See also the changelogs in `RASCAL v0.3.0 <https://github.com/jveitchmichaelis/rascal/blob/main/CHANGELOG.rst>`__.