Aspose Cells Java for PHP is a PHP project that demonstrates / provides the Aspose.Cells for Java API usage examples in PHP by using PHP/JAVA Bridge.
You will need to configure PHP/Java Bridge before using any of the Aspose provided Java APIs in PHP e.g Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Slides etc.
For the configuration/setup of PHP/Java Bridge, please see:
To download Aspose.Cells for Java API to be used with these examples through PHP/Java Bridge
Please navigate to:
For most complete documentation of the project, check Aspose.Cells Java for PHP confluence wiki link:
Demonstrates the **Aspose.Cells for Java API** usage within Struts 1.3 and Maven Framework.
**Aspose.Cells for Java API** is very rich in features, however this demo web application only gives simple usage example i.e initiate / creation of Work Book, Sheets, Applying Styles to Cells and Writing texts to it.
For complete features list of **Aspose.Cells for Java API**, you are recommended to browse the following url:
Aspose Cells Java for Ruby is a gem that provides the Aspose.Cells for Java API usage examples in Ruby by using Rjb - Ruby Java Bridge.
You will need to configure RJB gem before using any of the Aspose provided Java APIs in Ruby e.g; Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Slides etc;
To download Aspose.Cells for Java API to be used with these examples through RJB gem, Please navigate to:
For most complete documentation of the project, check Aspose.Cells Java for Ruby confluence wiki link:
![aspose_cells-for-java-s](![Apache POI]( Release contain the Aspose.Cells features missing in Apache POI HSSF + XSSF for dealing with Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheets.