DatabaseAdmin classes retain a reference to the Async/Database instance that spawned it, if any
- introduced a spawner_database parameter to database admin constructors
- database admin can retroactively set the db's working namespace upon creation of same
- Idiom `database = client.get_database(...); database.get_database_admin().create_namespace("the_namespace", update_db_namespace=True)`
Database (and AsyncDatabase) classes admit null namespace:
- default to "default_keyspace" only for Astra, otherwise null
- as long as null, most operations are unavailable and error out
- a `use_namespace` method to (mutably) set the working namespace on a database instance
AstraDBDatabaseAdmin class is fully region-aware:
- can be instantiated with an endpoint (also `id` parameter aliased to `api_endpoint`)
- requires a region to be specified with an ID, unless auto-guess can be done
VectorizeOps: support for find_embedding_providers Database method
Support for multiple-header embedding api keys:
- `EmbeddingHeadersProvider` classes for `embedding_api_key` parameter
- AWS header provider in addition to the regular one-header one
- adapt CI to cover this setup
- restructure CI to fully support HCD alongside Astra DB
- add details for testing new embedding providers