What's new
* `register` now accepts as input images Astropy's [`NDData`](https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.nddata.NDData.html) objects (this includes the CCDProc's [`CCDData`](https://ccdproc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ccdproc/ccddata.html) subclass) as well as Numpy's [`ndarray`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.html).
* `register` returns a `footprint` boolean image, `True` for masked pixels with no information.
registered_image, footprint = aa.register(source, target)
* New `fill_value` parameter: convenience argument to fill out untouched areas on the registered image.
registered_image, footprint = aa.register(source, target, fill_value=-99999.99)
* For data objects like `NDData` or Numpy masked arrays, `register` now propagates the mask if any.
This version drops support for the deprecated functions `align_image` and `find_affine_transform`.
More information and examples in the [documentation](https://astroalign.readthedocs.io/).