* Bug fixes
The U and V axes of the aperture FITS files produced by image_mds.export_to_fits
had the wrong values, this is now fixed.
extract_holog now works with int ddi input
* Improvements
Improved resolution of the display of frequency in the file containing the screw adjustments
Improved header definition of the exported ASCII screw adjustment file
gaussian convolution is now the default gridding method in holog.
Panel fitting and correction have been optimized with execution times being 10-50% faster depending on model.
holog_obs_dict json files are no longer created as hidden files (. file name)
Decreasead overall verbosity of tasks.
* New Features
New method for image_mds file that export phase fitting results: export_phase_fit_results
New method for panel_mds file that export estimated antenna gains at multiple frequencies: export_gains_table
New model for panel fitting, flexible, based on the model of the same name found in AIPS.
inspect_holog_obs_dict now also opens the holog_obs_dict inside of holog_mds files.
* Miscelanious changes
Replaced dependency of graphviper with toolviper