
Latest version: v7.0.1

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Bug Fixes

- Fixed an bug where updates to string columns in FITS tables were not saved
on Python 3. [4452]


- In-place peak-to-peak calculations now work on ``Quantity``. [4442]


- Fixed ``find_api_page`` to work correctly on python 3.x [4378, 4379]


Not secure

Bug Fixes


- Pickling of ``EarthLocation`` instances now also works on Python 2. [4304]

- Fix fast writer so bytestring column output is not prefixed by 'b' in
Python 3. [4350]

- Fixed a regression that could cause writes of large FITS files to be
truncated. [4307]

- Astropy v1.0.6 included a fix (4228) for an obscure case where the TDIM
of a table column is smaller than the repeat count of its data format.
This updates that fix in such a way that it works with Numpy 1.10 as well.


- Fix a bug when pickling a Table with mixin columns (e.g. Time). [4098]


- Fix incorrect ``value`` attribute for epoch formats like "unix"
when ``scale`` is different from the class ``epoch_scale``. [4312]


- Fixed an issue where if ipython is installed but ipykernel is not
installed then importing astropy from the ipython console gave an
IPython.kernel deprecation warning. [4279]

- Fixed crash that could occur in ``ProgressBar`` when ``astropy`` is
imported in an IPython startup script. [4274]

Other Changes and Additions

- Updated bundled astropy-helpers to v1.0.6. [4372]


Not secure

Bug Fixes


- Fixed blackbody analytic functions to properly support arrays of
temperatures. [4251]


- Fixed errors in transformations for objects within a few AU of the
Earth. Included substantive changes to transformation machinery
that may change distances at levels ~machine precision for other
objects. [4254]

- ``fitsdiff`` and related functions now do a better job reporting differences
between values that are different types but have the same representation
(ex: the string '0' versus the number 0). [4122]

- Miscellaneous fixes for supporting Numpy 1.10. [4228]

- Fixed an issue where writing a column of unicode strings to a FITS table
resulted in a quadrupling of size of the column (i.e. the format of the
FITS column was 4 characters for every one in the original strings).

- Added support for an obscure case (but nonetheless allowed by the FITS
standard) where a column has some TDIMn keyword, but a repeat count in
the TFORMn column greater than the number of elements implied by the
TDIMn. For example TFORMn = 100I, but TDIMn = '(5,5)'. In this case
the TDIMn implies 5x5 arrays in the column, but the TFORMn implies
a 100 element 1-D array in the column. In this case the TDIM takes
precedence, and the remaining bytes in the column are ignored. [4228]

- Fixed crash with Python compiler optimization level = 2. [4231]


- Fixed ``check_conesearch_sites`` with ``parallel=True`` on Python >= 3.3
and on Windows (it was broken in both those cases for separate reasons).

Other Changes and Additions

- All tests now pass against Numpy v1.10.x. This implies nominal support for
Numpy 1.10.x moving forward (but there may still be unknown issues). For
example, there is already a known performance issue with tables containing
large multi-dimensional columns--for example, tables that contain entire
images in one or more of their columns. This is a known upstream issue in
Numpy. [4259]


Not secure

Bug Fixes


- Rename units -> unit and error -> uncertainty in the ``repr`` and ``str``
of constants to match attribute names. [4147]


- Fix string representation of ``SkyCoord`` objects transformed into
the ``AltAz`` frame [4055, 4057]

- Fix the ``search_around_sky`` function to allow ``storekdtree`` to be
``False`` as was intended. [4082, 4212]

- Fix bug when extending one header (without comments) with another
(with comments). [3967]

- Somewhat improved resource usage for FITS data--previously a new ``mmap``
was opened for each HDU of a FITS file accessed through an ``HDUList``.
Each ``mmap`` used up a single file descriptor, causing problems with
system resource limits for some users. Now only a single ``mmap`` is
opened, and shared for the data of all HDUs. Note: The problem still
persists with using the "convenience" functions. For example using
``fits.getdata`` will create one ``mmap`` per HDU read this way (as
opposed to opening the file with ```` and accessing the HDUs
through the ``HDUList`` object). [4097]

- Fix bug where reading a file without a newline failed with an
unrelated / unhelpful exception. [4160]


- Cleaned up ``repr`` of models that have no parameters. [4076]


- Initializing ``NDDataArray`` from another instance now sets ``flags`` as
expected and no longer fails when ``uncertainty`` is set [4129].
Initializing an ``NDData`` subclass from a parent instance
(eg. ``NDDataArray`` from ``NDData``) now sets the attributes other than
``data`` as it should [4130, 4137].


- Fix an issue with setting fill value when column dtype is changed. [4088]

- Fix bug when unpickling a bare Column where the _parent_table
attribute was not set. This impacted the Column representation. [4099]

- Fix issue with the web browser opening with an empty page, and ensure that
the url is correctly formatted for Windows. [4132]

- Fix NameError in table stack exception message. [4213]


- ``resolve_name`` no longer causes ``sys.modules`` to be cluttered with
additional copies of modules under a package imported like
``resolve_name('numpy')``. [4084]

- ``console`` was updated to support IPython 4.x and Jupyter 1.x.
This should suppress a ShimWarning that was appearing at
import of astropy with IPython 4.0 or later. [4078]

- Temporary downloaded files created by ``get_readable_fileobj`` when passed
a URL are now deleted immediately after the file is closed. [4198]


- The color for axes labels was set to white. Since white labels on white
background are hard to read, the label color has been changed to black.

- ``ImageNormalize`` now automatically determines ``vmin``/``vmax``
(via the ``autoscale_None`` method) when they have not been set
explicitly. [4117]


- Cone Search validation no longer crashes when the provider gives an
incomplete test query. It also ensures search radius for a test query
is not too large to avoid timeout. [4158, 4159]

Other Changes and Additions

- Astropy now supports Python 3.5. [4027]

- Updated bundled version of astropy-helpers to 1.0.5. [4215]

- Updated tests to support py.test 2.7, and upgraded the bundled copy of
py.test to v2.7.3. [4027]


Not secure

New Features


- Modified Cython functions to release the GIL. This enables convolution
to be parallelized effectively and gives large speedups when used with
multithreaded task schedulers such as Dask. [3949]

API Changes


- Some transformations for an input coordinate that's a scalar now correctly
return a scalar. This was always the intended behavior, but it may break
code that has been written to work-around this bug, so it may be viewed as
an unplanned API change [3920, 4039]


- The ``astropy_mpl_style`` no longer sets ``interactive`` to ``True``, but
instead leaves it at the user preference. This makes using the style
compatible with building docs with Sphinx, and other non-interactive
contexts. [4030]

Bug Fixes


- Fix bug where coordinate representation setting gets reset to default value
when coordinate array is indexed or sliced. [3824]

- Fixed confusing warning message shown when using dates outside current IERS
data. [3844]

- ``get_sun`` now yields a scalar when the input time is a scalar (this was a
regression in v1.0.3 from v1.0.2) [3998, 4039]

- Fixed bug where some scalar coordinates were incorrectly being changed to
length-1 array coordinates after transforming through certain frames.
[3920, 4039]

- Fixed bug causing the ``separation`` methods of ``SkyCoord`` and frame
classes to fail due to infinite recursion [4033, 4039]

- Made it so that passing in a list of ``SkyCoord`` objects that are in
UnitSphericalRepresentation to the ``SkyCoord`` constructor appropriately
yields a new object in UnitSphericalRepresentation [3938, 4039]


- Fixed wCDM to not ignore the Ob0 parameter on initialization. [3934]

- Fixed crash when updating data in a random groups HDU opened in update
mode. [3730]

- Fixed incorrect checksum / datasum being written when re-writing a scaled
HDU (i.e. non-trivial BSCALE and/or BZERO) with
``do_not_scale_image_data=False``. [3883]

- Fixed stray deprecation warning in ``BinTableHDU.copy()``. [3798]

- Better handling of the ``BLANK`` keyword when auto-scaling scaled image
data. The ``BLANK`` keyword is now removed from the header after
auto-scaling is applied, and it is restored properly (with floating point
NaNs replaced by the filler value) when updating a file opened with the
``scale_back=True`` argument. Invalid usage of the ``BLANK`` keyword is
also better warned about during validation. [3865]

- Reading memmaped scaled images won't fail when
``do_not_scale_image_data=True`` (that is, since we're just reading the raw
/ physical data there is no reason mmap can't be used). [3766]

- Fixed a reference cycle that could sometimes cause FITS table-related
objects (``BinTableHDU``, ``ColDefs``, etc.) to hang around in memory
longer than expected. [4012]


- Improved support for pickling of compound models, including both compound
model instances, and new compound model classes. [3867]

- Added missing default values for ``Ellipse2D`` parameters. [3903]


- Fixed iteration of scalar ``Time`` objects so that ``iter()`` correctly
raises a ``TypeError`` on them (while still allowing ``Time`` arrays to be
iterated). [4048]


- Added frequency-equivalency check when declaring doppler equivalencies

- Define ``floor_divide`` (``//``) for ``Quantity`` to be consistent
``divmod``, such that it only works where the quotient is dimensionless.
This guarantees that ``(q1 // q2) * q2 + (q1 % q2) == q1``. [3817]

- Fixed the documentation of supported units to correctly report support for
SI prefixes. Previously the table of supported units incorrectly showed
several derived unit as not supporting prefixes, when in fact they do.

- Fix a crash when calling ``astropy.units.cds.enable()``. This will now
"set" rather than "add" units to the active set to avoid the namespace
clash with the default units. [3873]

- Ensure in-place operations on ``float32`` quantities work. [4007]


- The ``deprecated`` decorator did not correctly wrap classes that have a
custom metaclass--the metaclass could be dropped from the deprecated
version of the class. [3997]

- The ``wraps`` decorator would copy the wrapped function's name to the
wrapper function even when ``'__name__'`` is excluded from the ``assigned``
argument. [4016]


- ``fitscheck`` no longer causes scaled image data to be rescaled when
adding checksums to existing files. [3884]

- Fixed an issue where running ``import astropy`` from within the source
tree did not automatically build the extension modules if the source is
from a source distribution (as opposed to a git repository). [3932]

- Fixed multiple instances of a bug that prevented Astropy from being used
when compiled with the ``python -OO`` flag, due to it causing all
docstrings to be stripped out. [3923]

- Removed source code template files that were being installed
accidentally alongside installed Python modules. [4014]

- Fixed a bug in the exception logging that caused a crash in the exception
handler itself on Python 3 when exceptions do not include a message.


Not secure

New Features


- Greatly improved the speed of printing a large table to the screen when
only a few rows are being displayed. [3796]


- Add support for the 2015-Jun-30 leap second. [3794]

API Changes

- Note that HTML formatted tables will not always be found with guess mode
unless it passes certain heuristics that strongly suggest the presence of
HTML in the input. Code that expects to read tables from HTML should
specify ``format='html'`` explicitly. See bug fixes below for more
details. [3693]

Bug Fixes


- Fix issue with repeated normalizations of ``Kernels``. [3747]


- Fixed ``get_sun`` to yield frames with the ``obstime`` set to what's passed into the function (previously it incorrectly always had J2000). [3750]

- Fixed ``get_sun`` to account for aberration of light. [3750]

- Fixed error in the GCRS->ICRS transformation that gave incorrect distances. [3750]

- Remove HTML from the list of automatically-guessed formats when reading if
the file does not appear to be HTML. This was necessary to avoid a
commonly-encountered segmentation fault occurring in the libxml parser on
MacOSX. [3693]

- Fixes to support the upcoming Numpy 1.10. [3419]


- Polynomials are now scaled when used in a compound model. [3702]

- Fixed the ``Ellipse2D`` model to be consistent with ``Disk2D`` in
how pixels are included. [3736]

- Fixed crash when evaluating a model that accepts no inputs. [3772]


- The Astropy py.test plugins that disable unintentional internet access
in tests were also blocking use of local UNIX sockets in tests, which
prevented testing some multiprocessing code--fixed. [3713]


- Supported full SI prefixes for the barn unit ("picobarn", "femtobarn",
etc.) [3753]

- Fix loss of precision when multiplying non-whole-numbered powers
of units together. For example, before this change, ``(u.m **
1.5) ** Fraction(4, 5)`` resulted in an inaccurate floating-point
power of ``1.2000000000000002``. After this change, the exact
rational number of ``Fraction(6, 5)`` is maintained. [3790]

- Fixed printing of object ndarrays containing multiple Quantity
objects with differing / incompatible units. Note: Unit conversion errors
now cause a ``UnitConversionError`` exception to be raised. However, this
is a subclass of the ``UnitsError`` exception used previously, so existing
code that catches ``UnitsError`` should still work. [3778]

Other Changes and Additions

- Added a new ``astropy.__bibtex__`` attribute which gives a citation
for Astropy in bibtex format. [3697]

- The bundled version of ERFA was updated to v1.2.0 to address leapsecond
updates. [3802]

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