* `gapick`: generation of control diagram
* `gapick`: extended filtering based on fitting err/mag relation from preliminary PSF astrometry - new options
* `gapick`: cleaned up and extend logging
* `gapick`: cleaned up `--help` output
* `astwro.phot.PhotError`: exponent fitting and other improvements
* `astwro.phot.plots`: Styles handling. General instrumentation, and specifically for `plot` and `scatter`
* `astwro.phot.DiffPhot` class added, as beginning of object interface for differential photometry routines
* `astwro.phot.io`: renamed to `astwro.phot.lc_io`
* `gapick`: Minimized function is now mean of errors weighted by flux w=100^(-mag/5)
* `gapick`: by default (until `--include-psf`) PSF candidates are excluded from error evaluation
* `gapick`: options with underscore changed, e.g. `--out_dir` to `--out-dir`
* `gapick`: doesnt start without FITS file. For run on demo file, use new `--demo` option
* requrements.txt and dependencies clean up.
* `astwro.exttools.Runner`: error handling (when external tool hasn't generated expected output file) improved (a bit)
* `grepfitshdr`: Crash when using `-f` option with numeric field