
Latest version: v0.27.1

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using `with` with an async context now raises `RuntimeError` instead of `SyntaxError` to be consistant with other aio libs.
This is technically not backwards compatible, but since no one should be relying on this behavior, it is not being considered a minor release.


This is mostly a bug fix update, but it also includes bumping asyncpg to 0.14 which could potentially break things.

Other than fixing documentation, there are only two changes from 0.18.2

* Bump asyncpg to 0.14
* Check default value if its callable in sqlalchemy parsing (see 73). Thanks to kamikaze


Allow passing in a custom dialect to actually work. Thanks to Gr1N , see 58


This version will break everything. It removes the record proxy object, now returning the object returned by asyncpg, meaning that accessing columns is now dictionary bracket notation, and not dot notation.
It also removes the `insert` function, and adds automatic json parsing.

`record.my_column` becomes `record['my_column']`

Full list of changes:
- Dropped asyncpgsa's Record and RecordGenerator in favor of asyncpg's Records and lists, causing dot notation to be replaced with dict notation when accessing properties (row['id'] instead of
- connection `cursor` function now uses compile_query so it can handle the same query objects as the other functions like fetchval
- removed the `insert` function from the SAConnection. SA query objects will need to use query.returning(sa.text('*'))) or the like to get the values you want explicitly, and all inserts will have to move to one of the other methods like fetchval. Plain text queries will need to add ' RETURNING id ' or something similar to the query itself instead of relying it it being added by SAConnection. It should be noted that sqlalchemy does this for you as long as your table definition has a primary key.
- The postgres SA dialact is loaded into the SAConnection class now. This will cause breaking changes when using behaviors that differ based on dialact, such as using JSON column types in SA table definitions. In that case, it will actuall json dumps and loads automatically for you, which will break if you did it manually in your own code.


Found a way to fix an issue with the tests without requiring dynamic subclassing. This fixes the regression in 0.16.0, so SAConnection is now reference-able again.


This Version fixes the testing framework, which was broken in 0.14.x.

Your tests might not be completely backwards compatible. If that is the case, please file an issue so I can make sure we handle all cases.

Major change: This also breaks `asyncpgsa.connection.SAConnection` and so any direct references to that class will fail. If you have a use-case for referencing it. Please let me know.

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