- :meth:`.Requestor.request` can be given a timeout parameter to control the amount of
time to wait for a request to succeed.
- Added preprocessing for ``data`` and ``params`` in ``asyncprawcore.Session.request()``
for compatibility with ``aiohttp``.
:class:`RateLimiter` will not sleep longer than ``next_request_timestamp``.
- Keys with a ``None`` value in the ``data`` or ``params`` parameters for
``asyncprawcore.Session.request()`` are now dropped as
``aiohttp.ClientSession.request()`` does not accept ``None`` values in ``data`` and
- Keys with a boolean value in the ``params`` parameter for
``asyncprawcore.Session.request()`` are now casted to a string as
``aiohttp.ClientSession.request()`` does not accept boolean values in ``params``.