* Added support for X.509 certificate based client and server authentication,
as defined in RFC 6187.
* DSA, RSA, and ECDSA keys are supported.
* New methods are available on SSHKey private keys to generate X.509
user, host, and CA certificates.
* Authorized key and known host support has been enhanced to support
matching on X.509 certificates and X.509 subject names.
* New arguments have been added to create_connection() and create_server()
to specify X.509 trusted root CAs, X.509 trusted root CA hash directories,
and allowed X.509 certificate purposes.
* A new load_certificates() function has been added to more easily pre-load
a list of certificates from byte strings or files.
* Support for including and validating OCSP responses is not yet available,
but may be added in a future release.
* This support adds a new optional dependency on pyOpenSSL in setup.py.
* Added command, subsystem, and environment properties to SSHProcess,
SSHCompletedProcess, and ProcessError classes, as well as stdout and
stderr properties in ProcessError which mirror what is already present
in SSHCompletedProcess. Thanks go to iforapsy for suggesting this.
* Worked around a datetime.max bug on Windows.
* Increased the build timeout on TravisCI to avoid build failures.