
Latest version: v7.0.2

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Blend Modes Update
What's Changed
* V4.2.0 proposal by AndreasSas in

**Full Changelog**:


Some fixes in Test


Part 1: ColorSystem Overloaders
Updates to the dunders of ColorSystem to support the following functions:

- [x] str
- [x] repr
- [x] bool
- [x] round
- [x] divmod
- [x] iter
- [x] sum (because all ColorSystem Objects now have an __iter__)
- [x] len
- [x] max (because all ColorSystem Objects now have an __iter__)
- [x] min (because all ColorSystem Objects now have an __iter__)
- [x] hash
- [x] copy.copy
- [x] contains

(List will be further expanded upon during development of this update)

not going to be implemented:

- hex: will not be implemented, as a Color System is not a single value
- oct: see hex
- math.ceil: Not useful for anything specific currently
- math.floor: see math.ceil
- math.trunc: see math.ceil
- int: Color Systems can't be co,verted into a single value
- float: see int
- abs: not technically needed for anything, as there is no negative value in any currently implemented Color Notation


Part 2 Efficiency Increase:
- Functions to measure speed have been put in the SpeedTest File
- All speedtests are done with :
timeit.repeat(lambda: ..., number=1_000_000, repeat=5)

Python 3.10:
- Conversion: [5.678772300016135, 5.797439599991776, 5.761836799909361, 5.598237099940889, 5.525425500003621]
- ConversionInline: [5.783179800026119, 5.744663399993442, 5.530574399977922, 5.531668500043452, 5.520124899921939]
- TextInline: [0.24656250001862645, 0.24608000001171604, 0.25106620002770796, 0.2528545000241138, 0.24517890001880005]
- TextNested: [0.9830387000110932, 0.962659300013911, 0.9584448999958113, 0.9606724000186659, 0.9621298999991268]
- TextNestedBig: [2.623604499967769, 2.674881499959156, 2.701220099988859, 2.679547200037632, 2.620247900020331]
- ObjectCreation: [1.0750685000093654, 1.0828606999712065, 1.0897575999842957, 1.096354900044389, 1.0904685000423342]

Python 3.7:
- Conversion: [10.5086942, 10.891472, 11.0173803, 10.695808400000004, 10.2424015]
- ConversionInline: [10.356113999999998, 10.167008800000005, 10.109282899999997, 10.442793500000008, 10.271111000000005]
- TextInline: [0.40205199999999996, 0.4035426, 0.39924550000000003, 0.39659619999999984, 0.3878290999999998]
- TextNested: [1.3711424, 1.3489035999999994, 1.3432734999999996, 1.3451619, 1.3526604000000004]
- TextNestedBig: [3.8732194000000106, 3.8800934999999868, 3.9067500000000166, 3.9612025999999787, 3.9345079]
- ObjectCreation: [2.0803491, 2.057875, 2.0688705999999994, 2.044169, 2.0986102000000013]



Fix: Correct behavior for in place operators for the various Color System Objects


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