All models have been migrated to Pydantic v2.
Fields constraints have been added.
Decoding of DAG-CBOR, CID and CAR files has been migrated to the brand-new library [libipld](
This library is powered by Rust and is much faster than the previous implementation.
Pydantic v2 also uses Rust in the core.
This leads to a significant performance boost.
Firehose catch up benchmark:
- The previous SDK version: 700 commits in 5 seconds.
- After migration to Pydantic v2: 2650 commits in 5 seconds.
- After migration to [libipld]( **20000 commits in 5 seconds**.
- Using pydantic v2 and [libipld]( with multiprocessing: **30000 commits in 5 seconds**.
The new release gives a **40x performance boost**! But the cost is a lot of breaking changes.
Example of firehose consumer with multiprocessing: [](
_Test stand for benchmarks: MacBook Pro 2021, Apple M1 Pro, 32 GB RAM, 450mbps connection speed, Python 3.8_
**❗Breaking changes**
- Python 3.7.0 has been dropped. The minimum supported version is now **Python 3.7.1**.
- Camel cased fields are gone. Use snake case instead. For example, `createdAt` is now `created_at`.
- Root namespace has been fixed from `bsky` to `app`. For example, `Client().bsky.feed.get_likes` is now `Client().app.bsky.feed.get_likes`.
- Using similar model instances as strong refs is not allowed anymore. Use `models.create_strong_ref` helper function to convert refs ([example](
- Creating model instances using positional arguments is no longer supported. Use keyword arguments instead. For example, thant's not possible anymore `models.ComAtprotoIdentityResolveHandle.Params('')`. Use `models.ComAtprotoIdentityResolveHandle.Params(handle='')` instead.
- Fields that conflict with reserved Pydantic names has _ (underscore) suffix. For example, `validation` is now `validation_`.
- `DotDict` has been moved to `models.dot_dict`.
- Inheritance of base models has been changed. Please check new base classes.
- Inheritance of `DotDict` has been changed. Please check the new base class.
- `BlobRef` model doesn't contain `to_dict()` method anymore.
- `CID` class has been reimplemented using [libipld]( lib. It supports much less API.
- `_type` field of models has been renamed to `py_type`. Now it's constant.
- `leb128` module has been removed.
- Type hint of `CID` has been changed to `CIDType`.
- Type hint of `DotDict` has been changed to `DotDictType`.
- `multiformats` and `dag-cbor` dependencies have been removed.
- These reference classes have been removed:
- `ResponseRef` from `get_profile`. Use `models.AppBskyActorDefs.ProfileViewDetailed` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `get_moderation_action`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.ActionViewDetail` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `get_moderation_report`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.ReportViewDetail` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `get_record`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.RecordViewDetail` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `get_repo`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.RepoViewDetail` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `resolve_moderation_reports`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.ActionView` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `reverse_moderation_action`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.ActionView` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `take_moderation_action`. Use `models.ComAtprotoAdminDefs.ActionView` instead.
- `ResponseRef` from `create_app_password`. Use `models.ComAtprotoServerCreateAppPassword.AppPassword` instead.
- These exceptions have been removed:
- `UnexpectedFieldError`. Use `ModelError` instead.
- `MissingValueError`. Use `ModelError` instead.
- `ModelFieldError`. Use `ModelError` instead.
- `WrongTypeError`. Use `ModelError` instead.
- `CBORDecodingError`. Use `DAGCBORDecodingError` instead.
**New Features**
- Unit tests for model serialization and deserialization.
- Nested dictionaries support in `DotDict` models.
- `DotDict` models now support `__getitem__` and `__setitem__` methods.
- `create_strong_ref` helper function to convert ref-like models to strong refs.
- Fields constraints for models. Now you can see the max items count for the image array, max string length, etc.
- Better documentation of models.
**Minor Changes**
- Fixed nesting of `DotDict` models.
- Fixed serialization of `Union` types.
- Fixed serialization of `Literal` types.
- Fixed sending proper datetime values to the server.
- Fixed printing tracebacks in the Firehose async client.
- Fixed chaining of firehose exceptions.
- Fixed locked and outdated `typing-extensions` dependency.
- Fixed passing of arguments to `ClientBase`.