* little update desc
* add atx assistant
* remove androguard from atx, and put androguard into pypi
* remove port restrict about atx gui
* fix when adb port default not 5037 error
* update drafte editor
* trace uinodes to change it according to it's order
* find ui by node index after modified case.json
* add process_case for modified case.json
* separate draft generate and code generate
* change find_selector priority
* add report test, part
* fix issue 48 screenrecord failure
* update windows install
* update wda deps
* remove useless doc
* little fix
* update documentation for ios
* use webdriveragent to support ios
* use timeout instead of while loop
* using while loop to check for index-uiobject
* analyze uixml to get ui selector
* fix Division Zero bug
* offset use percent and put it into filename like T30L20.png, close 39, close 46
* Update README.md
* update deps
* make uilayout attributes compatible with py-uiautomator
* add swipe & toolbar
* analyze guestures using regexp
* atx report support uiautomator
* short report code, capture screen before run click
* add named dict, update report ext structure
* fix 44
* add issue template
* add tornado web server draft_editor
* add missing images
* add adb 1.0.36 address, close 41
* add input_methods method, close 42
* add keep_screen and free_screen, close 43
* update again
* add design, which are not started
* add toolbar
* add wda doc
* codesign error, ..-_-!!
* -_-! webdriveragent why not stable
* update draft editor web
* add editor first edition
* clear_text add move_end
* format doc
* update readme doc
* update
* add input method detect
* fix report bug
* make ios test more stable
* fix utf7ime install
* add click_image( safe = True), also update report
* little modify
* finish ios install, some ios bug fix
* watch activity on android (lame way..)
* basic events recorder
* union touchups/moves/downs
* add ios documentation
* add timeout for queue post
* fix typo
* fix ios taskqueue, support nowait support
* use unix socket instead of port listen, because ios test can only run on mac
* generate draft from saved record frames
* support iphone6p and iphone5c