* Added: Python 3.9 support * Fixed: contributing text * Removed: Python 3.6 support
* Added: ``fit`` and ``order`` arguments to ``audplot.scatter()`` * Changed: ``audplot.scatter()`` shows just a scatter plot with default arguments
* Changed: show frequency instead of counts on the y-axis for ``audplot.distribution()`` * Fixed: ``audplot.distribution()`` bins now independently for each distribution, which ensures the same distribution is always plotted the same way
* Fixed: building public documentation in CI pipeline
* Added: ``audplot.waveform()`` * Added: ``label_aliases`` argument to ``audplot.confusion_matrix()`` * Changed: show grid lines and remove top ad right axes as default * Changed: Use ``seaborn.histplot()`` in ``audplot.distribution()`` * Fixed: xticks position for time axes