* Added: ``auglib.transform.BabbleNoise``
* Added: ``auglib.transform.Prepend``
* Added: ``auglib.transform.PrependValue``
* Added: ``auglib.transform.Resample``
* Added: ``auglib.transform.Shift``
* Added: ``snr_db`` argument to
to specify the signal-to-noise ratio
between the incoming
and added signal
* Added: ``end_pos`` and ``fill_pos`` to
to allow any kind of cropping,
zero padding,
and signal repetition
* Added: ``preserve_level`` argument
to all transforms.
If ``True`` it ensures
that the transformed signal
has the same root-mean-square value
as the incoming signal
* Added: ``auglib.AudioBuffer.rms()``
and ``auglib.AudioBuffer.rms_db()``
* Added: ``sampling_rate`` argument to
* Added: *Noise with fixed SNR* example
in the documentation
* Added: *Band-Pass Filtered Noise* example
in the documentation
* Changed: allow a transform object as input
for the ``aux`` argument
in transforms that have this argument
* Changed: ``auglib.transform.Trim``
no longer supports providing a ``start_pos``
that is larger than the buffer length
* Changed: ``auglib.transform.Trim``
with argument ``fill="loop"``
no longer loops the whole input signal,
but only the trimmed version
specified by ``start_pos``
and/or ``end_pos``.
For cycling through a signal
use ``auglib.transform.Shift`` instead
* Changed: raise ``ValueError``
if ``sampling_rate`` argument
is not greater than zero or not an integer
* Changed: serializing a transform
that contains a buffer as ``aux`` argument
will raise a ``ValueError``
* Changed: when applied to an input signal
raises a ``RuntimeError``
if it would result in an empty augmented signal
* Changed: depend on ``audformat>=0.15.2``
* Fixed: ``read_dur_aux``
in ``auglib.transform.Append``
does now allow to be ``None``