* **0.8.4a**
* Added check for correct salt in custom salt.(For some reason the salt must end with '.', 'O', 'e' or 'u' in bcrypt)
* With a 16 bytes salt, 2 padding bytes are appended. Of the 128 bits of the salt, 126 bits can be grouped into 21 blocks of 6 bits each. The last two bits can only form the blocks 000000, 010000, 100000 and 110000, which are mapped to the chars ., O, e and u in the bcrypt Base64 variant. All following blocks consist of zero bits due to padding and are ignored by the bcrypt Base64 variant. This is the reason why all salts generated with gensalt() contain one of these 4 chars at the end. The salt with the ending sequence uv is not a regular bcrypt Base64 encoding and thus not valid.
* P.S: Bug couldn't be replicated on Windows, AuthAlpha for now imposes that bcrypt salts must end with aforementioned characters.
* See [Stackoverflow-link/0.8.4a-Bug](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69531552/missing-salt-why-is-the-salt-not-complete-after-using-hashpw-bcrypt)
* Added [pycryptodome](https://pypi.org/project/pycryptodome/) to project requirements. It will now be downloaded automatically
by pip during installation.