------------------------------- Added 'auto_arima' capabaility from pmdarima library
------------------------------- Fixed bug with Prophet Multivariate Prediction where it needed to pass forecast_period in addition to X_exogen. Only X_egogen is needed now. Forecast Period is calculated based on number of observations in the X_exogen data.
TODO: Make sure all predict functions are consistent (Prophet now has an Optional return if things go wrong. Others should do the same.)
------------------------------- Prophet now includes multivariate modeling capability with rolling window SARIMAX also includes multivariate modeling capability with rolling window
------------------------------- Changed default argument for 'sep' in fit function to be 'None' (treated as ',' internally).
Fixed bug with predict function in auto_ts Dataframe index for X_exogen needed to be set before passing to predict since we were doing the same while fitting. Without this, it was causing issues with ML models where we are internally constructing the 'future dataframe' and if while fiting, the dataframe had datatime index and while predicting, X_egogen had integer index (index was still in dataframne column in X_egogen), it was causing issues while adding time series features (could not get time series features from integers).
------------------------------- More time series engineered features included in ML models Example, 'dayofweek', 'quarter', 'month', 'year', 'dayofyear', 'weekofyear', 'weekend', etc.
------------------------------- Fixed bug in Prophet rolling window horizon calculation