- Added pinyin with symbols, instead of numbers - Added part of speech. (Noun, verb, etc.) - Added ability to add book from directory - Traditional books now format correctly in the database - Improved Puncuation filtering
- Removed unnecessary logging output - Set multiple definitions on newlines
- Updated README.md - Moved DeckManager out of __init__.py - If the user included .apkg at the end, ignore it - Logger for each module is now set by AutoAnki - Fixed images displaying on Pypi - Made Database mandager functions more verbose - Now uses internal CC-CEDICT file - Faster dictionary lookups by using internal state - Better dictionary formatting
- Fixed bugs - Removed legacy files - Changed dictionary to use local file, rather than internet lookups - Formatted logging output - Updated README.md - Cleaned input to remove punctuation
- Fixed setup.cfg bad imports
- Fixed imports - Added missing sql files to package