`Published 2016-07-19 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/autobahn/0.15.0>`__
* new: WAMP AP option: register with maximum concurrency
* new: automatic reconnect for WAMP clients ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* new: RawSocket support in WAMP clients using ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* new: Set WebSocket production settings on WAMP clients using ApplicationRunner on Twisted
* fix: `715 <https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/issues/715>`_ Py2/Py3 issue with WebSocket traffic logging
* new: allow WAMP factories to take classes OR instances of ApplicationSession
* fix: make WebSocketResource working on Twisted 16.3
* fix: remove some minified AutobahnJS from examples (makes distro packagers happy)
* new: WAMP-RawSocket transport for asyncio
* fix: `691 <https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/issues/691>`_ (**security**) If the `allowedOrigins` websocket option was set, the resulting matching was insufficient and would allow more origins than intended