This is a major release providing API stability with main focus on
extensive tests and documentation.
- Add custom css for `autodoc_pydantic` extension.
- Add `PydanticAutoDirective` as composite class to mainly manage
option/configuration management for directives.
- Add `PydanticAutoDoc` as composite class to mainly manage
option/configuration management for autodocumenters.
- Unify directive options and global configuration settings via
composite classes.
- Add option validators `option_members`, `option_one_of_factory`,
`option_default_true`, `option_list_like`.
- Add extensions to automate documentation generation:
- `ConfigurationToc` to generate options/conf toc mappings from usage
to configuration section
- `TabDocDirective` to generate rendered examples in configuration
- `AutoCodeBlock` to generate code block from object path
- Add user guide:
- Installation
- Usage
- Configuration
- Examples
- Add developer guide:
- Setting up development environment
- Running tests
- Building docs
- Add `.readthedocs.yaml`.
- Add test python package with code examples for test execution (same
structure as sphinx tests).
- Add fixture `test_app` to instantiate test app with settable
configuration settings.
- Add fixture `autodocument` to handle restructured text generation
tests (autodocumenter tests).
- Add fixture `parse_rst` to handle node generation tests from
restructured text (directive tests).
- Add autodoc/directive tests for all available configuration settings
- Include sourcery in CI pipeline.
- Modify package dependencies to `sphinx >=3.4` and `pydantic >= 1.5`.