👋 Hello World! The AutoGluon team is happy to announce the release of AutoGluon-Assistant. This is the initial release of the Assistant module and enables users to solve tabular machine learning problems using only natural language descriptions. ✨
🚀 Don't wait to try it out and we are happy to any feedback!
🤖 Currently, AutoGluon-Assistant supports AWS Bedrock as default LLM provider while also supporting OpenAI as an alternative.
📚 To learn more, check out our [tutorial](https://github.com/autogluon/autogluon-assistant/tree/0.1.0/docs/tutorials)
🙌 This release contains [**134** commits from **7** contributors](https://github.com/autogluon/autogluon-assistant/commits/0.1.0).
👥 Full Contributor List (ordered by of commits):
- AnirudhDagar
- FANGAreNotGnu
- boranhan
- tonyhoo
- canerturkmen
- tianyuanzoe
- huibinshen
This version supports Python versions 3.8 to 3.11.