* Updated dependency versions.
* Added simplified argument preset options to tabular (453)
* Added options to significantly reduce disk usage by >10x during and after model training. (453)
* Added refit model support which dramatically reduces inference times. (408, 412)
* Added transform_features function to TabularPredictor. (431)
* Added transform_labels function to TabularPredictor. (435)
* Numerous improvements to text handling (440, 451)
* Improved memory stability and inference speed of tabular neural network. (422)
* Added NetworkX directed acyclic graph stack ensemble representation. (385, 403)
* Added linear model support (375)
* Improved leaderboard inference and fit time estimates. (385)
* Added info function to TabularPredictor. (444)
* Added .tsv file detection support. (396)
* Numerous code cleanup and bug fixes. (373, 374, 379, 387, 389, 400, 410, 443, 446, 452)
Image Classification
* Added auto augmentation for images (391)
* Bug fixes. (388, 402, 417, 436, 438)
Object Detection
* Added save() and load() functionality. (405)
* Major refactoring of schedulers and searchers. (445)
* Bug fixes. (384, 386, 427)