Changes - Improved verbosity for exception handling. - Improved verbosity in `` for bot updates. - Added utility to CCXT interface (`get_min_notional` and `get_ticksize` methods). - Improved CCXT `get_orders` capability.
Fixes - Plotting bug when option to show cancelled orders is True.
Features - Upgraded virtual broker: backtest speedup for large portfolio's - Ability to specify `deploy_time` in `AutoTrader.configure()`, a datetime object for when to release trading bots. - Improved verbosity from main module when running.
Fixes - Decimal error when placing market orders with `dydx` module.
Fixes - Import error of `AutoData` in `dydx` module.
Features - AutoBot submits orders using `ThreadPoolExecutor` to speedup submission of multiple orders. - Ability to provide custom execution methods via `AutoTrader.configure(execution_method=)`. - Improved verbosity from `autobot`s.
Fixes - Handling of testnet/mainnet keys when paper/virtual/live trading. - Inclusion of `` file in `autotrader/brokers/ccxt/`. - Timezone handling. - Virtual broker does not use lambda functions to allow pickling. - Unified `broker._utils` attribute naming.