- BREAKING: Dropped requests as a dependency, switched to httpx
- BREAKING: Added and enabled http2
- BREAKING: Removed `requests-ratelimiter` and used `pyrate` directly
- BREAKING: Renamed `base_url` to `b_url`
- BREAKING: Removed `navigate_async`, (it was deprecated)
- BREAKING: Removed `get_session`, you can instantiate the client for greater control.
- BREAKING: Renamed `Fuel.total` to `Fuel.capacity`
- BREAKING: `agent.ships` and `agent.contracts` have been removed.
- BREAKING: `status.leaderboards` is no longer a `list` it is now a `dict`
- BREAKING: `status.next_reset` and `status.reset_frequency` have been moved to `status.server_reset`
and renamed to `next` and `frequency`
- BREAKING: `Item.description` is now optional
- BREAKING: `ship.reactor.cooldown` has been completely removed
- BREAKING: Created `WaypointSymbol` and `SystemSymbol` with additional type checking. They both extend `MapSymbol`
- ADDED: Recent transactions for shipyards and marketplaces
- ADDED: More details to errors
- UPDATED: Changed `attrs` to `pydantic`.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cosmictraders/autotraders/compare/v1.9.0...v2.0.0