
Latest version: v1.1.1.post3

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- Updated FileItem to leverage a target_path in extra_data to allow writing to a separate path from the Item's original path.
- Updated Script components to allow for using a sentinel value to extract values from the extra_data of Items when using ScriptTransformer, ScriptValidator, or ScriptCommand.
- Switched CodeownersFilter to use codeowners_file_path instead of codeowners_location.
- Updated Event handling for script related events
- Updated Event handling for AIModel related events
- Updated Event handling for Github related events
- Updated Event handling for Util related events
- Updated Event handling for Management related events
- Updated Event handling for Runner related events
- Updated Event handling for Batch related events
- Updated Event handling for running the AutoTransform script
- Add EventNotifier components to replace env variable EventHandler replacement

New Components
- ScriptInput that uses a script to generate a list of Items
- BulkFilter a new type of filter that does pre-processing with the list of Items for filters that need to handle all of the Items at once for efficiency purposes
- ScriptFilter that uses a script to validate items
- AIModelTransformer that uses AI Models to replace file content
- Model component type that allows AutoTransform to interact with AI models
- OpenAIModel that interacts with OpenAI's API
- Add TargetInput which returns FileItems with target_path set to enable writing to a separate path from the Item's path.
- FileExistsFilter added to check whether a file exists in the file system.

- Fix ScriptCommand to return when run_on_changes is set to true for batch runs and no changes are present.
- Splits Gists apart to support batches with large numbers of items that can't be read from a single Gist in API requests
- Fix ScriptTransformer when run with no items
- Fix GithubRunner when using repo_override rather than schema repos
- Fix an issue where updates could fail when run with files that are no longer present by filtering using only the new Items the schema would pick up that match the keys of the batch Items. This ensures if an Item becomes invalid, it won't be used in an update (and any associated data will be the most recent data, rather than older data).
- Ensure replacers for RequestHandler return strings


- The schema map has been upgraded to use SchemaMap class, with all file targets now relative to the directory that contains the schema map.
- Significant updates have been made to how Script components work. They now use keys as a list replacement (i.e. ["foo", "<<KEY>>"] becomes ["foo", "", "baz,py"]). Additionally, extra data always maps key to the extra data, even for single transformations.
- ScriptTransformer no longer has a per_item parameter, using chunk_size to allow chunking of items instead. per_item will be treated as chunk_size = 1. This legacy support will be disabled in 1.3.0.
- DirectoryInput now accepts a paths parameter with a list of paths to use instead of a singular string from path. The path parameter will continue to be supported until 1.3.0. DirectoryInput also now strips ./ from the front of file paths to maintain consistency in path structure when using the "." directory.

- Added an optional repo_override setting to Config that can be used to override the repo of supplied schemas
- Added AUTO_TRANSFORM_SCHEMA_MAP_PATH environment variable support to override default schema_map path
- Script components now can take a replacement dictionary as the environment variable AUTO_TRANSFORM_SCRIPT_REPLACEMENTS
- Added target_repo_name and target_repo_ref to GithubRunner so that workflow can control checkout with inputs, makes having a single repo that acts on all of your repos a bit better
- Added maximum batch size option to CodeownersBatcher
- Updates GithubRepo to use gists for storing batch/schema information. GithubChange can still use the old system but that support will be deprecated with 1.3.0

New Components
- AggregateFilter a filter that aggregates other filters
- CodeownersFiler a filter that passes only files with the specified owner

- Redact github_token and jenkins_token fields from Config
- Significantly updated logging to separate pure debugging information from simple verbose logs

- Fixes reviewers being requested for CodeownersBatcher when the metadata doesn't have the field present
- Fixes search for outstanding PRs to properly limit by repo
- Fix getting the name of the schema off a GithubChange
- Make pull request reviewers include people that have submitted a review


New Components
- MergeableStateCondition

- Fixed an issue with user config not saving to the right location when using settings command
- Fixed an issue where get_open_pull_requests didn't work for GithubRepos with large numbers of open PRs

- Manage command can now be run using a local runner
- Schedule command can now be run using a local runner


New Components
- RequestStrCondition
- CodeownersBatcher

- Support GithubRunner using repos outside the schema's repo to trigger workflows.
- Make GitRepo strip some bad substrings from branch names

- Made the GitGrepInput no longer include repo dir in the name of the file. This is unneeded for accessing the file and causes bad behavior when combined with things that use file names that are run on remote machines


- Split out review/test/change states to be separate.
- atmigrate-1.0.5 to migrate Manager for 1.0.5 changes. Can not handle in/not_in comparisons for ChangeStateCondition

New Components
- JenkinsAPIRunner
- JenkinsFileRunner
- RequestAction
- ReviewStateCondition
- TestStateCondition

New Features
- Added bash scripts and dockerfile to allow for deploying using Docker

- Remove take_action from Change and put logic in Action method run()
- Removed Runner from Scheduler/Manager and allowed them to just use runner from config


New Features
- Added Schema Map to settings so to ease updating/viewing the schema map.

- Fix Scheduler from_console command to account for new Scheduler format, fixing `autotransform settings` to work for updating schedule.
- Fix Scheduler usage of sample schema.

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