- The schema map has been upgraded to use SchemaMap class, with all file targets now relative to the directory that contains the schema map.
- Significant updates have been made to how Script components work. They now use keys as a list replacement (i.e. ["foo", "<<KEY>>"] becomes ["foo", "bar.py", "baz,py"]). Additionally, extra data always maps key to the extra data, even for single transformations.
- ScriptTransformer no longer has a per_item parameter, using chunk_size to allow chunking of items instead. per_item will be treated as chunk_size = 1. This legacy support will be disabled in 1.3.0.
- DirectoryInput now accepts a paths parameter with a list of paths to use instead of a singular string from path. The path parameter will continue to be supported until 1.3.0. DirectoryInput also now strips ./ from the front of file paths to maintain consistency in path structure when using the "." directory.
- Added an optional repo_override setting to Config that can be used to override the repo of supplied schemas
- Added AUTO_TRANSFORM_SCHEMA_MAP_PATH environment variable support to override default schema_map path
- Script components now can take a replacement dictionary as the environment variable AUTO_TRANSFORM_SCRIPT_REPLACEMENTS
- Added target_repo_name and target_repo_ref to GithubRunner so that workflow can control checkout with inputs, makes having a single repo that acts on all of your repos a bit better
- Added maximum batch size option to CodeownersBatcher
- Updates GithubRepo to use gists for storing batch/schema information. GithubChange can still use the old system but that support will be deprecated with 1.3.0
New Components
- AggregateFilter a filter that aggregates other filters
- CodeownersFiler a filter that passes only files with the specified owner
- Redact github_token and jenkins_token fields from Config
- Significantly updated logging to separate pure debugging information from simple verbose logs
- Fixes reviewers being requested for CodeownersBatcher when the metadata doesn't have the field present
- Fixes search for outstanding PRs to properly limit by repo
- Fix getting the name of the schema off a GithubChange
- Make pull request reviewers include people that have submitted a review