- Several functions for comparison:
- `amd_pdist` and `pdd_pdist` compare one collection pairwise by AMD/PDD respectively
- `amd_cdist` and `pdd_cdist` compare one collection vs another by AMD/PDD respectively
- `filter` takes PDDs. It gets the n closest items to every item by AMDs, then calculates PDD distances for these comparisons only. This does `n * len(input)` PDD comparisons instead of `len(input)` choose 2 for `pdist`, or `len(input_1) * len(input_2)` for `cdist`.
- `amd_mst` and `pdd_mst` take a collection of AMDs/PDDs respectively and return edges of a minimum spanning tree.
All of these functions support a range of metrics, any integer k (less than the input's max k) or range of k. The PDD functions include a verbose argument which prints an ETA to the terminal.
- The `SetWriter` and `SetReader` objects write and read `PeriodicSet`s as compressed .hdf5 files (requires `h5py`). Optionally accepts any keyword arguments, stored alongside the sets (intended to store AMDs and PDDs).
- `CifReader` and `CSDReader` no longer take the optional Boolean parameter `allow_disorder`, but instead the parameter `disorder` which can be any out of {`'skip'`, `'ordered_sites'`, `'all_sites'`}. `allow_disorder=False` is now `disorder='skip'` (default: skip disordered structures), `allow_disorder=True` is now `disorder='all_sites'` (take all sites ignoring any disorder) and newly added `disorder='ordered_sites'` reads in the set but removes disordered sites.
- `PeriodicSet`s now have an attribute `.tags`, a dictionary storing any additional information. This data is saved with the `PeriodicSet` if written with `SetWriter`.
- `CifReader` and `CSDReader` include a parameter `types` (default `False`) which includes a list of atomic types of atoms in the `.tags` dictionary (with key `'types'`) of the `PeriodicSet`s yielded. Access with `set.tags['types']`.
- Requirements now includes version requirements (NumPy>=1.20.1, SciPy>=1.6.1).
- The `ase` reader backend has been cleaned up. It no longer handles `ase` `Atoms` or `Spacegroup` objects, which were throwing errors/warnings in some cases. Instead it deals with the tags directly.
- With the `ccdc` reader, if `crystal.molecule.all_atoms_have_sites` is `False` the structure is no longer automatically skipped but a warning is still printed.
- `PeriodicSet` is no longer a wrapped `namedtuple`. A `tuple` (motif, cell) is still accepted by the calculate functions, which dispatch to another function handling each case.
- `compare()` has been removed and replaced with `amd_cdist()`.