⚠️ Breaking changes
- Renamed `aws_ddk_core.pipelines.Stage` to `aws_ddk_core.pipelines.DataStage` and `aws_ddk_core.pipelines.Pipeline` to `aws_ddk_core.pipelines.DataPipeline` 33
🚀 Features / Bug fixes
- Enable event handling in `SqsToLambdaStage` 54
- Improve git commands in CLI `create-repository` 53
- Add StepFunctionFactory 48
- Use Step Functions service-sent events in `GlueTransformStage` 51
- Add escape hatches for `SqsToLambdaStage` 47
- Add security checks and test stages to CICD pipeline construct 28
- Add custom CodeBuild stage to CICD pipeline construct 37
- Add CICD pipeline notifications via SNS 43
Docs 📚
- _Create your own DDK Data Stage_ How-to [guide](https://awslabs.github.io/aws-ddk/release/latest/how-to/custom-stage.html)
🙏 Thanks
We thank the following contributors/users for their work on this release:
jaidisido, kukushking, malachi-constant, cnfait, vemel, NickCorbett