- Improved the management of SQS messages and retries to speed-up recovery times when failures occur.
- Do not launch a replacement for an unhealthy or unresponsive node until this is terminated. This makes cluster slower
at provisioning new nodes when failures occur but prevents any temporary over-scaling with respect to the expected
- Increase parallelism when starting `slurmd` on compute nodes that join the cluster from 10 to 30.
- Reduce the verbosity of messages logged by the node daemons.
- Do not dump logs to `/home/logs` when nodewatcher encounters a failure and terminates the node. CloudWatch can be
used to debug such failures.
- Reduce the number of retries for failed REMOVE events in sqswatcher.
- Fixed a bug in the ordering and retrying of SQS messages that was causing, under certain circumstances of heavy load,
the scheduler configuration to be left in an inconsistent state.
- Delete from queue the REMOVE events that are discarded due to hostname collision with another event fetched as part
of the same `sqswatcher` iteration.