- feature:``cfncluster``: Added ClusterUser as a stack output. This makes it easier to get the username of the head node.
- feature:``cfncluster``: Added ``cfncluster ssh cluster_name``, this allows you to easily ssh into your clusters.
It allows arbitrary command execution and extra ssh flags to be provided after the command.
See https://aws-parallelcluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/commands.html#ssh
- change:``cfncluster``: Moved global cli flags to the command specific flags.
For example ``cfncluster --region us-east-1 create``now becomes ``cfncluster create --region us-east-1``
- bugfix:``cfncluster-cookbook``: Fix bug that prevented c5d/m5d instances from working
- bugfix:``cfncluster-cookbook``: Set CPU as a consumable resource in slurm
- bugfix:``cfncluster-node``: Fixed Slurm behavior to add CPU slots so multiple jobs can be scheduled on a single node