JSON MD5 hash
This release adds a new `.md5` attribute to the `AWSIPPrefixes` class that provides access to the computed MD5 hex digest of the downloaded JSON file. You can compare the computed MD5 hash with the MD5 hash provided by the `AmazonIpSpaceChanged` [notifications](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html#subscribe-notifications) to verify the integrity of the downloaded JSON file.
_Notification JSON:_
_`AWSIPPrefixes` collection:_
'create_date': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 1, 16, 33, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'ipv4_prefixes': (...),
'ipv6_prefixes': (...),
'md5': '59e4cd7f4757a9f380c626d772a5eef2',
'sync_token': '1633105993',
New library exceptions
Added HTTP response error checking and a custom library exception hierarchy. `awsipranges.get_ranges()` will now raise an `awsipranges.HTTPError` exception for `4xx` and `5xx` HTTP response codes when downloading the JSON file. All `awsipranges` custom exceptions are subclasses of the `AWSIPRangesException` base exception class.