Major items
1. [Add helper function for generating random bits](
2. [Add helper function for generating timestamp string](
3. [Add helper function for getting hashed value of a string](
4. [Add helper function for coverting camlcase string to underscroll separated](
5. [Add helper function for doing multiple replacement in a string](
6. [Add helper function for checking if a file is a text file](
7. [Add helper function for setting a leaf in a tree](
8. [Add helper function for increasing number in a string](
9. [Add collection function for expanding iterable](
10. [Add helper function for expanding ranges in a string](
11. [Add util string, helper and collectionfunctions automated test](
12. [Add synchronous decorator](
13. [Add thread-safe dictionary](
14. [Add immutable dictionary](
15. [Add defaultdict which passes missing key to default_factory](
16. [Add timeout function decorator](
17. [Split with -lib and -cli. Build pypi package](
**Full Changelog**: