Fixed - Pinnate top level not correctly initialised when __contains__ is first accessor method
Fixed - Pinnate top level not correctly initialised when __setitem__ is first accessor method
Removed - Pinnate.merge - it wasn't doing anything that .update does
Added - Pinnate now supports top level lists and sets. Thanks burnleyrob
Added - New RestfulConnector for access JSON RestFul APIs. Code kindly contributed by Bluefield Services - Added package extra ayeaye[api] to include requests library - ModelCollection is top level public class - ModelCollection can now build data provenance graphs for simple model collections - i.e. those that don't need any resolver context or locking info - ModelCollection is incomplete and has a failing test
Fixed - multiprocess support for ayeaye.PartitionedModel had different behaviour on OSX and Linux because of parent memory after fork() with resolver context
Added - manifest_build_context() common pattern - make values from a manifest file available in the resolver context - example usage for ayeaye.common_pattern.build_context.manifest_build_context
Changed - ayeaye.connect_resolve supports lists, dict and anything else JSON serialisable. Previously just simple variables.