* Display progress percentage during project upload.
* Added `log` CLI command to view flow and job execution logs.
* Improved logging and added default file handler for the CLIs.
* AzkabanPig now waits when the job is in a preparing stage, rather than
erroring out (because it is unable to find the logs).
* Cleaner error message when the Azkaban server is down (i.e. on 500 response).
* Changed default `--project` CLI option to support both `jobs.py` and `jobs/`
as defaults.
* Added `--option` flag to `build` to allow overriding of project properties.
* Added `schedule` command for workflows.
* Added `schedule_workflow`, `unschedule_workflow`, `get_schedule` methods for
working with azkaban scheduling.
* Added `get_workflow_executions`, and `get_running_workflows` methods.
* Enhanced URL parsing support from `.azkabanrc`.
Breaking changes:
* Removed `create` and `delete` CLI commands.
* Changed `--options` handling for `info` command (and renamed it to `--option`).
* Renamed `--skip` option for running flow to `--bounce`