2. Fix an issue where the user event loop fails to emit logs (https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/issues/602) 3. Adding TraceContext to allow Python user getting App Insight information (https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/pull/554)
In this release:
In this release:
In this release:
1. Ensure that `EventHub` trigger/bindings accepts enumerable parameter annotations. 2. Update E2E tests for `EventHub` trigger.
In this release:
1. Pass bytes from invocation request metadata 2. Generate platform-specific NuGet for packing with Azure Functions Host 3. Add Azure-environment startup code to worker with separate path for local development
In this release:
1. Handle EventHub cardinality setting 2. Reload `google` module to account for user dependencies