* This is the first one to be distributed through package distribution * Added capabilities to provide user-specified dimensions of blocks for computations for fine-tuning of performance
Metal now supports large domain simulations and OpenCL is now supported across all OSs.
In v0.9.2 Rayleigh integral was added a tool (see tutorial `Tutorial Notebooks\Tools -1 - Rayleigh Integral.ipynb`). This will be useful to combine models that include large volumes of water as Rayleigh integral benefits considerably of a GPU and the model is hyperparallel. The tool has support for 3 GPU backends: CUDA for Windows and Linux, and Metal and OpenCL for MacOS.
Given the simplicity of the kernel, for the Rayleigh integral we use `pycuda` and `pyopencl` to compile the kernel directly in the Python library. For Metal, a wrapper written in Swift language is compiled during the installation.
In principle, the pressure is often calculated via acoustic models, but it is possible to calculate the pressure in the viscoelastic models as a byproduct of the particle velocity. In our old analysis, we did this offline but it was not hard to add those calculations directly in the library,