After almost a year, this version brings BACpypes3 to BAC0. You will probably notice a big improvement in stability and speed, thanks to joelbender.
The legacy version can be downlaoded from pypi here :
Please note that no more development will be made on this version. It cannot work with Python 3.12+ anyway.
Migrating your code base to BAC0 async may be a challenge but I made all efforts necessary for this transition to be the easiest possible.
Thanks for all your feedback
This release is meant to be the last one for legacy BAC0 which will not be supported anymore.
With the removal of asyncore module in Python 3,12 and the new BACpypes3 library, I choose to go async and stop the development of the synchronous legacy version.
I invite users to start migrating their code to work with the new version which is way faster and more stable.
What's Changed
* fix for influxdb client by AresMaster in
New Contributors
* AresMaster made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: