
Latest version: v1.9.78.123

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- CCI Plotting labels improved
- WilliamsR plotname/plotlines names improved
- Stochastic plotlines names improved
- Momentum plotting labels improved
- DirectionalMovement plotting labels improved
- XXXDeviations plotting labels improved
- Changes (__hash__ in lineroot and list(xxx.values) when plotting) for Python
3.4 compatibility
- test_strategy_optimized import xrange from six for Python 3 and travis.yml
updated to runn with Python 3.4 too
- OrderedDict recipe added for Python 2.6 compatibility
- Continuous integration check under Travis added for 2.6/3.2/3.3
- Updated Readme and docs about Python compatibility

- Tests for strategy optimized/not optimized added
- Cosmetic change to "triggered" parameter initialization in StopLimitOrders
- Test added for "Operation"
- Test for "Position"
- All indicators changed to used absolute imports for clarity and possible
- Added indicator MeanDeviation (and doc)
- Added indicator CommodityChannelIndex (CCI) (docs and test)
- Reordered StdDeviation/MeanDeviation into own module and doc sub-section
- Plot support for lines having a name different than the class alias (ex:
plusDI can be plotted as +DI)
- Update docs badge link to project, add direct link to indicators in docs and
clarify installation from sources with header
- Refactoring of UpDays/DownDays to UpDay/DownDay for RSI
- DirectionalMove Indicators (+tests/docs): DI, +DI, -DI, ADX, ADXR, DMI, DM

- Wikipedia link for DetrendedPriceOscillator
- Renaming of Stochastic and Williams lines to include "perc" (originally %)
- Removal of specific plotnames in MovingAverages
- Williams renamed to WilliamsR for accuracy and line renamed to percR
- Stochastic lines renamed to percK and percD from kperc and dperc for
- StochasticFull added (3 lines)
- CrossOver, CrossUp, CrossDown indicators and documentation
- Correct broker usage in "close" operation
- Operations observer plotting style changed to "full"
- BuySell observer plotting style changed to full and buy color changed to
lime for visibility
- Broker correction of initial commission assigment. Introduced error when
adding support for optimization
- Added indicators: Envelope, SMAEnvelope, EMAEnvelope, SMMAEnvelope,
WMAEnvelope, KAMAEnvelope (tests and docs included)
- Corrected label plotting when a LineSeries object is passed as label
- Documentation and test for CommissionInfo

- Correction to minperiod calculation to correctly calculate and take into
account indicator on indicator/single lines minperiods together with
multi-timeframe datas
- Extra plotting defaults to lineiterator to simplify plotting code
- Added plotforce to force plotting of an indicator which relies on
non-plotted/plottable data/clock sources
- Plotting support for indicator on indicator respecting above/below order
- Support plotting indicators which don't have a data/indicator clock by
looking up the chain
- Add badges' alternative test and add a badge for the documentation
- KAMA sets plotname to override inherited one from SimpleMovingAverage
- Williams %R indicator and test
- Momentum, RateOfChange, MomentumOscillator and tests

- Reordering and addition of sample datas
- Addition of samples limited to 2014 and 2006
- Independent Yahoo Online Download Tool
- TrueRange formula improvement
- Changed LineSeries "array" access to property
- data_0 references changed to more generic data
- Added AdaptiveMovingAverage
- AdaptiveMovingAverage added to the docs
- YahooCSV "reversed" parameter changed to reverse (and inverted default to
- Changes to make online downloads Py3 compatible
- Multi-Timeframe datas which are exhausted will return empty bars
- Improvements in VChartCSVData for name and timeframe recognition
- Added own simple csv format for sample
- Reordering/Addition of data samples
- Addition of nosetest testcases covering indicators, data multi timeframe
and resampling
- Travis-ci integration
- Extra minperiod check in LineIterator postinit hook to account for
indicators with calculations in __init__ not applied directly to line

- First tagged and documented release

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