* Resident exits are named-tuples. * Resident class provides `focus` property. * Multiple fixes to StoryStager.
* By default, text in `code` emphasis is expanded into a form/button which posts the text as a command.
* Improved behaviour in StoryStager for populating types. * Minor improvement to asset path reporting. * Case conversion on StoryStager state lookup. * Expect Events from busker. * New method `monitor_context` to process Events.
* Add `resident` module and tests. * Add `storystager` module and tests. * `discover_assets` accepts keyword arguments. * `storybuilder` module renamed from `story`.
* ballader.lite no longer depends on turberfield-utils. * Added reporting of Loader.staging discovery. * Added `evaluation` as an alias for `Fruition.transition`.
* WorldBuilder does not generate any entities by default. * Better use of kwarg parameters. * Fix a bug in deep copy of Entity. * Add busker as a dependency * Use busker.stager to load stage files.