- Move to asyncio executors around request calls `Fixes 81` *(on BitBucket)*
- Use platform.uname() to support Windows `Fixes 19`
- Add **bandersnatch verify** subcommand to re-download + delete unneeded packages `Fixes 8` + many follow on Issues during testing - Thanks **electricworry** & **tau3** for testing + fixes!
- Introduce much more Lint checks (black, isort, mypy) other than flake8 - Thanks **asottile**
- Make tox run lint checks + print out test coverage - Thanks **cooperlees**
- Add whitelist + blacklist plugins - Thanks **dwighthubbard**
- Add generated documentation - Thanks **dwighthubbard**
- Move to requiring Python >= 3.6.1 `Fixes 66`
**Moved to GitHub PyCon US 2018 - All `Fixes` now refer to GitHub issues**