
Latest version: v0.0.16

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Classes Interface and SpeechToText have been reworked to improves responsiveness on user voice input, and now works much more smoothly and reliably.


Improved the reliability of responses, reducing the number of fatal errors drastically. Also, optimized startup speeds by making the SpaCy model checker lazy, only loading models when they are needed, rather than on init, but still checking models are installed on startup.


This update focuses on improving the complexity of tone and emotion in text-to-speech. An extra layer between the ChatCompletion API output and text-to-speech output assigns various speech styles, pitches, speeds, and emphases to sub-sections of sentences, rather than entire responses, making speech more natural (either that, or certainly more interesting!)


The newest BanterBot update introduces automatic emotion selection, which uses system prompts and conversational context to choose fitting emotional responses, expressed via Azure Cognitive Services' Text-to-Speech. Additionally, this release expands the available command line arguments, providing users with more customization options for their interaction with the bot.


In the new BanterBot v0.0.4 update, we've improved performance via a modification to the stream interruption method, providing faster response times, more efficient operation, and better reliability. We've also introduced a new multiplayer graphical user interface for easier simultaneous interaction with multiple users.


This update is a bugfix for v0.0.2-alpha, which introduces a new feature to the BanterBot package:

New Feature:

- **Speech-to-Text Functionality**: BanterBot now converts spoken language into written text using Azure Cognitive Services, enabling users to speak directly to the chatbot.

To upgrade to BanterBot v0.0.3-alpha, use the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade banterbot

For more information, consult the [BanterBot Documentation](

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