
Latest version: v1.0.0

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To directly execute the Python code received from Bard, set the `run_code` argument of Bard class to `True`.

Thank you for sharing a valuable use case by R. Navarro.


- I have modified the code to allow passing arguments to ChatBard in version `0.1.15`.
- This enables creating ChatBard objects more explicitly.


1. You can interact with Bard using the 'language' parameter, allowing you to converse with Bard using Google Translate.
2. You can receive links that are searched by Bard. The response dictionary of Bard will have an additional key called 'links'.
3. For images provided by Bard, you can now check them sequentially using the 'images' key.
4. The ChatBard class has been added, allowing for easy communication through simple configuration settings.


I will update the ChatBard class. The stable version is still 0.1.11.
Starting from version 0.1.12, it will be available only on the GitHub dev branch.

from bardapi import ChatBard

chat = ChatBard()

from bardapi import ChatBard
import os
os.environ["_BARD_API_KEY"] = 'xxxxxx' Requird
os.environ["_BARD_API_LANG"] = Arabic Optional, Default to English
os.environ["_BARD_API_TIMEOUT"] = 30 Optional, Session Timeout

chat = ChatBard()


- The stable version is still 0.1.11, provided that the language argument, links, and images are not included in the returned dictionary.
- Introduce a language factor to Bard, enabling translation using Google Translate.
- Include links and images received from Bard in the returned dictionary.

Resolved unspecified language error of `0.1.11-multilang`.

To include the GitHub developer version as a dependency package, please use the following tag:
bardapi git+

Note that the PyPI version of bardapi does not include the language argument.
However, a better approach is to integrate a separate translation model into the pipeline.

To include the GitHub developer version as a dependency package, please use the following tag:
bardapi git+

Note that the PyPI version of bardapi does not include the language argument.
However, a better approach is to integrate a separate translation model into the pipeline.


Clean release of Bard-API without dependency packages.
To view the PyPI installation version of Bard-API, which is version 0.1.11, you can use the following link:


Please note that this version does not include translation functionality and any features related to the [googletrans ]( [deep_translator ]( For those functionalities, you will need to install the developer version directly from the official GitHub repository of Bard-API.

- Due to conflicts with class inheritance and composition in Bard, the usage of Googletrans for supporting other languages in Bard-API developer version increases code complexity and parameter complexity. To avoid excessive dependencies and class explosion issues, deep-translator is used for supporting other languages in Bard-API developer version.

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