- path becomes a simple list and is easier to deal with
- bounding box allows you to know the left most and right most position
of a node see https://baron.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#bounding-box
- redbaron is classified as supporting python3
- ensure than when a key is a string, it's empty value is an empty string and
not None to avoid breaking libs that use introspection to guess the type of
the key
- key renaming in the FST: "delimiteur" -> "delimiter"
- name_as_name and dotted_as_name node don't have the "as" key anymore as it
was useless (it can be deduce from the state of the "target" key)
- dotted_name node doesn't exist anymore, its existance was unjustified. In
import, from_import and decorator node, it has been replaced from a key to a
dict (with only a list inside of it) to a simple list.
- dumps now accept a strict boolean argument to check the validity of the FST
on dumping, but this isn't that much a public feature and should probably be
changed of API in the futur
- name_as_name and dotted_as_name empty value for target is now an empty string
and not None since this is a string type key
- boundingbox now includes the newlines at the end of a node
- all raised exceptions inherit from a common base exception to ease try/catch
- Position's left and right functions become properties and thus
- Position objects can be compared to other Position objects or any
- make_position and make_bounding_box functions are deleted in favor of
always using the corresponding class' constructor