
Latest version: v0.0.2

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( correctly treat templates si braces
( Correct generation of file .BasicToolsTempPath on windows
( prototype of WrapBasicToolsFunctionToVTK
Add gmshBridge
(KRFromDistribution.y) KR to impose a primal solution over a full domain (using a field)
Mesh Reader and Writer: cleaner, more robust
( Better EOF Exception
( More flexible nodeFields conversion
(Zset IO) add s3d6 and format
( Add color reading
( Add more output information
(SpaceBase) Clean Jack and better names
( Add SIprefixes and some other constants
(meta.yaml) drop of python 3.7
( GetVolume. Fast return in case of zero element on mesh
( Faster SetDimensions
Move GetElementsDimensionality to
( Fast path for GetElementsOriginalIDs with (dim =None)
( Optimization
( Add GetHdf5 to check if the hdf5 option is activated
( if no element filter is given the higher dimensionality element are used
( InitAllSpaces for multi threated app
( can do typeConversion using getters
( ImplicitGeometryByETag better treatment on SetSupportAndZones
( New Function GetMeasure
( ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp correction, typo correction
( Ensure mesh in Native format
( add eq and ne operators, forbidden conversion to bool
( add Maximum and Minimum operators
( Add Thermal Mass and Robin
add IO/OpenFoamReader
extend CellDataToPoint to multiple cellFields
added getmeshfilename function to ZIO
Created the GetElementGraph function
( Faster element reading
( Add missing line to set the mesh of the ElementFilter
(NativeIntegration.cpp) Elimination std conversion
( Better functions wrapping to paraview, add SubDivideMesh filter
( Correction in the GetElementsInTag
( faster SubDivideMesh, and add tris and Tets.
( Correct generation of originalIDNodes in ExtractElementsByElementFilter
( Add copy operator
( add dim option to ImplicitGeometryByETag , ImplicitGeometryByETagII.
( Add Pos_0, Pos_1 and Pos_2 as extraFields
( Correction of P2 shape functions
( save a copy in the internal storage to prevent external changes to it
( Add centrifugal term
ConvertNTagsToETags add CleanDoubleElements call
( add GetPointsDimensionality
(NativeDofNumbering) release GIL in c++
(DofNumbering.cpp) lazy evaluation of computeDofToPoint
(NativeIntegration) release GIL in c++
NativeIntegration. Cleaning reformating
( New PartialElementFilter for parallel processing
( New funtion GetListOfPartialElementFilter for parallel processing
( add positions fields to the ExtraFields
( vtk allways uses 64 ints
( Mapping tools in BT!!!
( work on API homogeneisation
( make CleanDoubleElements work on ConstantRectilinearMesh
( Cleaning, testing, and 100% coverage
( Better treatment of numerical values for arcsin and arcos
Mesh Reader/writer compatible with versions 1,2,3,4. Read vector and tensors field
( Enable to export tag in .msh file
( Some cleaning before merge
( conform to new API, use asarray



General Changes:

Speed up with a factor of 2.5 for the testing. (CheckIntegrity)
Heavy use of typing so this make impossible to use BasicTools on python prior to version 3.7 and numpy verison 1.19
this implies the use of BasicTools type defined in the BasicTools.NumpyDefs module
Optimization or MeshWriter + Code cleaning
( Add ReadVectorXYAdd function to read 2D vectors
( Make ComputeMeshMinMaxLengthScale work on 2D meshes
Some work for better 2D support (work in progress)
( New implementation with a factory (support for user defined solvers)
Now BaseOutputObject.Print can print the current used memory used by the python process
Better memory handling for multi thread integration
OpenMP activated on windows packages
During compilation "generate" is automatically called during the "build_clib" step
Now the IntegrationClass. SetElementFilter can take a frozen filter
(BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMeshCreationTools) New CreateDisk function to create a mesh of disk section
New module BasicTools.Containers.FiltersTools with useful functions over filters
(Bug correction) on some cases the skin (ComputeSkin ) had one element missing
New LSDyna Reader and Writer
The user has the possibility to set the number of thread used by the library (BasicTools.Helpers.CPU:SetNumberOfThreadsPerInstance)
(GeofWriter) correct output of elset whe useOriginalId is True
BasicTools.Helpers.Test support for typing test with mypy (option -t)
BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh New function GetPointsDimensionality and GetElementsDimensionality and Clean to eliminate empty tags
New function ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp, ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp
The user can calculate the gradient of a ImplicitGeometry by calling the GetGradientDistanceToPoint
Add nTags for the ElementFilter: The user can select element using nodal tags. Two options "allnodes" or "leastonenode"
Add orthotropic and anisotropic behavior to the SymPhysics module
Better API for field extraction on the XdmfReader class
Add the abs operator for FieldBase
The MeshFileConverter can covert temporal data between 2 temporal aware readers/writers (-T option)
New GetDataOverALine to extract information of fields on the point of the line
new ToQuadraticMesh to convert any mesh to quadratic elements
NodesPermutation change the nodeFields also to be coherent
Remove double implementation of __str__ in
Now the documentation of the C++ source file is extracted (using doxygen) and exposed using sphinx
( Ensure UnionElementFilter generate sorted ids
( Add of GetDistributedForceFormulation
( New function RunListOfCheckIntegrities
( Add Wedge_15 Pyramid_13 and Hexaedron_27 for the converions, some typing
CellDataToIntegrationPointsData: now compatible with mixed fields and scalars data : GetParameterFiles: treat case of fields defined by a scalar
( Add ComputeMeshDensityAtNodes, solve problem with the originalIds on ExtractElementsByElementFilter
( RestrictedIPField use a frozen filter internally
( Add string parser for ElementFilters
( Faster CheckTags
New CGNS Bridge/Reader/Writer
( Better API for field extraction
ParaViewPlugin documentation
( ComputeInterfaceMesh print warning when iso zero not present in the field
( Add GetGradientDistanceToPoint, this function uses finite differences to compute the gradient (this can be expensive).
Add AnsysToolspy, reading of quadratic Solid186 elements in AnsysReader
Add GmshToolspy, export of tet10, pyr13, wed15 and hex20 elems in GmshWriter
( add abs (absolute value) function to work with the unaryOp
( solve error registering Eigen constructors
( ListOfElementFiltersFromMask, create a list of element filters using a mask over the elements
( ListOfElementFiltersFromETagList, construct a list of filter from a list of tags (or a list of tags)
( VerifyExclusiveFilters, to check if a list of ElementFilter is exclusive
( ElementFilter can take a boolean mask to select elements
Better MultiThread selector for the integrator
Add possibility to control the number of thread in the eigen solver
( Add memory usage in debug print
New module IO/, containing the ReadField function, reading a field at a given time step from an openfoam computation
New function Containers/ applying the CellDataToPointData paraview filter to a unstructuredMesh type object

API Changes:

All the bridges file are now in a separated folder BasicTools.Bridges for more clarity
BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMeshFieldOperations:GetFieldTransferOp ; change of the named argument elementfilter -> elementFilter
The native Eigen Linear solver uses the available cpu reported by the GetNumberOfAvailableCpus() function
Argument forceUseCpp removed from IntegrationClass.SetIntegrator(self, userIntegrator=None) use BasicTools parameter UseCpp
Tags and Tag classes are now defined on there own file BasicTools.Containers.Tags
MeshBase.GenerateManufacturedOriginalIDs can take an offset to generate OriginalId not starting from zero
now the CheckIntegrity function can return the string "skip" to tell the user the test was intentionally skipped
CreateUniformMeshOfBars behavior change, kno work for lines in the 3D space
the GetCellRepresentation of FEField uses a more generic way to generate cell data
GetFieldTransferOp argument name change elementfilter -> elementFilter
( change name Creat0DElementAtEveryPoint to Create0DElementContainerForEveryPoint and change of behavior please read the documentation
( CleanLonelyNodes take a inPlace option, the return values changed
( CleanDoubleElements remove unused option preserveOriginalIds
( DeleteInternalFaces does not return the input mesh any more
(src/BasicTools/IO/ default HDF5 on XdmfWriter
( now the xdmf reader read all the field automatically (like all the other readers)
( change api of ComputeGlobalOffset. the internal state (.globaloffset) will be depreciated
( Better API
the exit value when calling 'python -m BasicTools' will be the number of KO tests
pycgns is a requirement of the conda package. Add pycgns in the meta.yml
(GeofWriter;py) correct output of elset whe useOriginalId is True.
( FilterToETag, store the selection of a element filter into a eTag
( new function ComputeTransfertOp to compute the transfer operator between 2 fields

Deprecated Functions:
Many argument name changes mainly conversion to pascal case
( VolumeOfHexaedrons -> use GetVolumePerElement
( VolumeOfTetrahedrons -> use GetVolumePerElement
( ExtractElementsByImplicitZone -> use ExtractElementsByElementFilter, CleanLonelyNodes
( ExtractElementByDimensionalityNoCopy -> ExtractElementsByElementFilter(mesh, ElementFilter(mesh,dimensionality=dim), copy=False)
( CleanEmptyTags please use mesh.Clean()
Deprecated function UnstructuredMes.GetDimensionality() please use UnstructuredMes.GetPointsDimensionality()



This is the last version compatible with python 2.7. This version is not longer supported.

General Changes:

( Add conversion for temporal data option -T. Add WdmfWriter in "Abaqus mode"



General Changes:

In addition to the update of the core package (we have released a new C++ foundation to write new algorithms in C++ using a similar API as in python)
New readers
New PyVista interface
A new C++ numbering algorithm (faster)
Many more new functionalities.



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