- fa78b40: make overflow of modal visible (Pascal Wiesmann)
- 7edb32a: implement the first row of the new UI for editperson (Pascal Wiesmann)
- 4672730: renaming (Pascal Wiesmann)
- update changes according to refactoring in bread [145]( ([Sam](
- update according to API changes in bread [146]( ([Sam](
- updated according to API changes in bread [146]( ([Sam](
- 9cdc769: add modals for adding and editing addresses (Pascal Wiesmann) [147](
- 85fbfd8: make parsing of mailchimp address configureable (Pascal Wiesmann) [147](
- f7cd422: comment out pushing of mailchimp status (Pascal Wiesmann) [147](
- 72ddf2f: delete unused import (Pascal Wiesmann) [147](
- f0f4726: error handling in case of invalid country (Pascal Wiesmann) [148](
- ed50f4b: show list of invalid email addresses (Pascal Wiesmann) [148](
- d276e25: improve error handling (Pascal Wiesmann)
- bump version ([Sam](