- Added:
- Added new TypeAlias typing. (GitHub 62)
- Added dotmap_to_yaml and yaml_to_dotmap functions to the lang module. (GitHub 64)
- Implement virtual environment in build pipeline.
- Changed
- Improved version module. (GitHub 55)
- Require full path to Google Cloud service account key file. (GitHub 57)
- Support ssh authentication on remote server actions. (GitHub 61)
- Upgrade minimum Python to 3.10. (GitHub 62)
- Replaced switch with new match syntax. (GitHub 62)
- Upgrade build tooling. (GitHub 65)
- Use bumpver. (GitHub 67)
- Update pipeline to use flit. (GitHub 68)
- Removed
- Removed switch support. (GitHub 66)
- Removed xml_flat and xml_single support from data module. (GitHub 66)