
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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August 4, 2023

**New Features**:

- Complete Asyncification
- Documentation + auto-updating pipelines
- Ability to list flags and their descriptions with `-lf`
- Fine-grained rate-limiting for HTTP and DNS

**Improvements / Fixes**:

- Better tests (one for each individual module, 91% test coverage)
- New and improved paramminer modules
- Misc bugfixes

**New Modules**:

- Git (detects exposed .git folder on websites)
- [Subdomain Center]( (subdomain enumeration)
- [Columbus API]( (subdomain enumeration)
- MySSL (subdomain enumeration)
- Sitedossier (subdomain enumeration)
- Digitorus (subdomain enumeration)
- Nmap (port scanner, more reliable than naabu)
- Naabu has been removed due to reliability issues
- NSEC (DNSSEC zone-walking for subdomain enumeration)
- OAUTH (Enumerates OAUTH / OpenID-Connect, detects sprayable endpoints)
- Azure Realm (Detects Managed/Federated Azure Tenants)
- Subdomains output module


March 10, 2023

**New Modules**:

- [Badsecrets]( ([blacklist3r]( but better!)
- Subdomain Hijacking (uses [can-i-take-over-xyz](
- [WafW00f](
- [Fingerprintx](
- [Masscan](
- Robots.txt
- Web Report
- IIS shortnames (Pure Python rewrite)

**New Features**:

- Automatic tagging of cloud resources (with [cloudcheck](
- Significant performance increases
- Bug fixes
- Better tests + code coverage
- Support for punycode (non-ascii) domains
- Better support for non-64-bit systems
- Enter key now toggles verbosity during scan


December 15, 2022

**New Modules**:

- Storage buckets:
- Azure
- DigitalOcean
- ipstack (geolocation)
- BeVigil
- ASN (rewrite)

**New Features**:

- Colored vulnerabilities on CLI
- Log full nuclei output
- Various bugfixes
- Better handling of:
- DNS wildcards
- Infinite DNS-record chains
- Infinite HTTP redirects
- Improved module tests


October 12, 2022


- Tag URL events with their corresponding IP address
- Automatic docker hub publishing
- Added `retries` option for httpx module
- Added `asset_inventory` output module
- Improvements to nuclei module
- Avoid unnecessary failed sudo attempts during dependency install
- Improved Python API
- Added AnubisDB module
- Various bugfixes
- Add examples to `--help` output
- Reduce annoying warnings on free API modules
- Update iis_shortnames .jar dependency
- Updated documentation to explain targets, whitelists, blacklists
- Added help for module-specific options
- Added warning if unable to validate public DNS servers (for massdns)
- Various performance optimizations
- Various bugfixes
- Fix Pypi auto-publishing
- Added bug report template
- Added examples in README
- Improved wildcard detection
- Added DNS retry functionality
- Improved excavate hostname extraction
- Added command-line option for installing all dependencies
- Improved gowitness dependency install, improved tests

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