Contributors: Mahdi Hamidbeygi mahdihamidbeygi, Hannes Vasyura-Bathke hvasbath
- polarity module/composite/dataset-type for inference of wave onset polarities
- joint inference of P, Sh and Sv wave-polarities
- drawing of piercing points on fuzzyBB plot if polarity data exists
- drawing of fuzzyBBs for Sh and Sv waves
- add tutorial Example 8 for polarity inference
**Amplitude Spectra**
- added string-choice `domain` to WaveMaps to choose `time` or `frequency` domain for inference
- plotting: added spectra fits in waveform fits plot
**Continuous Integration (CI)**
- adapted installation scheme to fulfill PEP517 through pip and .toml
- providing beat binary packages on PyPi
- github actions workflow for code formatting and wheel building
- pre-commit and hooks for yaml, spellchecking, tailing whitespaces and eof
- split plotting module into plotting directory with submodules
- plotting: stage_posteriors change hist color to grey if only single density is shown
- plotting: fuzzyBB dashed white and black line instead of red for MAP
- docs: updated (short) installation instructions to use the package manager pip instead of